Thursday, March 25, 2010

OMG the drama!

Haven't blogged in awhileeeeee. SO um can't remember when i last wrote so i'll start with February. On Feb 8th the choir and I of SHMS went to Bluff-dale, Rose Creek, and Midas Elementary's to perform and to make them want to join choir! Then a few days after we had another concert but at our school and my sissy Michelle and I stayed after with a bunch of ppl n we went to wal*mart (: then we preformed and ate pizza then preformed for the second show and went home. Feb 17th was Ash Wednesday and I went to church and then to Mccools with My yaya and papa. On the 18th I had a singing comp at my school during studying hours and blew it. NOW were to March (: March 1st we were all going to walk out of school so they wouldn't follow through on laying off some important teachers but we were put on schools to watch. So we did it on the 2nd (: Oh ya in Febs On the 12th Brady and I got back together, on the 14th (v-day may i remind u) Ian left me as a friend, and on the 22nd Brady dumped me since he thought i was using him for his brother. March 12th was Brady's b-day but idc anymore so he could go fhs (: 15-19 SPIRIT WEEK BABY!! Monday was sports day Tuesday: pajama wednesday:green thursday: hat day and friday: hair day IT WAS AWESOME!!! On the 20th my grammy went to the hospital and by tuesday got her goddbladder taken out and now on the thursday after she is home!! the 24th was Ian's b-day but idc bout tht either. Umm lately I've been very accident prone so broken foot horrible pseriosis running into everything it's just lovely. being single is a sucka. i just hope there's a turn around soon. i look forward to the summer. EKKK!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

up to date on it all!

So i mentioned before that if we added Jonah Lindsey, Kendra, and Alexis butterfield then drama would really start in fitness. well everyone in tht list is in our gym except Kendra. Instead we have Abby. So on friday the 23rd I left Brady and then on monday i told someone I love them then got some shocking news...then on Tuesday My A.B.F.F.L yelled at me because he was confused like always we made up. on today wednesday Ian and I had a conversation and made agreements never to hurt ourselves for any reasons. I hope Ian n I can stop fighting for awhile because im out of energy. Gym is tough but im loven it. alot of fun. herrero will always scare me and i <3 my new T.A hernandez!! My advice for the week is to never sand paper your arm :) duhhhh! ummm I graduated from SOMETHING on tuesday but you'll never know what!!! So i decided that tonight i decided im gonna point out some people i love more then my being. and it's in this order...somewhat but i know my number one is fo sure!

#1: Ian Tyler Bryant
#2: Yaya (my gwamma)
#3: my momma
#4: my dadda
#5: Michelle Davenport
#6: Annie
#7: Janessa
#8: Chealsea
#9: Nick Johnson
#10: T'yanna newsome
#11: Dallin Zaharias
#12: Levi Paulson
#13: Damian Monroe
#14: Shaylee lear
#15: Jalyssa Lear
#16: Lisa Lear
#17: Jason Lear
#18: Bryan Lear
#19: I hate to say it but....Brady Conklin
#20: Brook Smith
#21: Kira Smith
#22: and wayyyyyy too much more people!!!


This is my life..once again

Hey wassup!?!? So the drama pretty much settled. my sis michelle is back. i dumped brady. my A.B.F.F.L n I are on pretty good terms i think. i just have to make things right with dallin. I LOVE YOU IAN BRYANT!!! BEST AMAZING AWESOME BEST FRIEND FOR FREAKING LIFE!!!!!!! ummmm so my feb is jammed pack with choir stuff n all but im excited what else is there gonna be

Monday, January 18, 2010

still grounded

I went to my sissy's b-day party saturday night but before that i kept getting in so much trouble!! So i misunderstood my mom and she said you can do all this laundry or go to the party. does that make sense? so I went to the party was ok LOTS of drama tho. the next morning i got dropped off n then my mom put tons of laundry on me + my other chores!! then she explained to me that she meant if i hadnt gone none of it would of had to be done! i bawled my eyes out. and for the 5th time that weeked ran downstairs crying n screaming i need my boyfriend i wanna be in brady conklins arms!! eventually i did some of it and it turned out to be an O.K night but in my head i kept saying i miss Brady i miss baby B i miss my boyfriend! imagine the pain i went through. ah! well bye!!

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Grounded oh so grounded

So i got grounded but well i got time im gonna tell you some stuff. So yesterday i found out my A.B.F.F.L Ian got an unexpected schedule. I felt like I had just been shot ten times! Then I was relieved when we saw we still had fitness together. But then there's another problem. BRADY'S IN OUR FITNESS TOO! yikes! with them and me in the same class you might as well add Kendra and Jonah then the drama would really get going then add alexis b. and the drama would be explosions. that is there math class -me good ol me that they dont have included. But besides that 2010 2nd school semester BRING IT ON!! love ya guys peace!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Just kidding!!

Yay my A.B.F.F.L will be at school!!hAHA i guess i freaked out a bit too much but i had the right ha! lol love ya A.B.F.F.L!


What we once were....
we will never be again....
And that is together...

So last night I was IMing my A.B.F.F.L on Facebook. Then he seemed kind of upset about something. so i said "whats wrong with you" and he replied "i dont feel to well." so i said what any best friend would say "suck it up!!" haha no i didnt but I came pretty close. I feel extremely bad that he isnt feeling well. So we continued talking then he mentioned that he might not be at school tomorrow which is now today! I FLIPPED OUT! I was like there is no way that you're not gonna be there and leave me alone to be used by "IT" (IT is my ex-boyfriend Brady who I have been on and off with for awhile). See Brady told me and my friends that he thinks he wants me back and that he's gonna sleep on it and in my head im screaming NO! DON'T COME BACK! HOW DARE YOU! WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE?!? WHAT IF IIIII DONT WANT YOUUUU BACK!!!!?!?!!? WHO SAID THAT YOU COULD MAKE THE DECISIONS AROUND HERE!!! I DUMPED YOU!!! What we were once, how i felt then, what we did, how we did things, how we were "THE couple", the afternoons spent together, the notes given (only from me *please note*), it's all gone. I gave the gifts back, I dumped you time and time again and yet you dont get that i wanna call it off. That the things I say i mean!! So anyway today he is going to approach me at lunch. Ian doesn't have lunch with me until Wednesday next week so it doesn't really phase me to be with other people at lunch. So usually Brady pulls me away and manipulates over and over. Till i give in because i dont wanna hear it anymore. I stopped giving in once Ian helped me get over him. Today Ian will be gone, I will be hopeless, and Brady will have the victory. My life will always suck without my A.B.F.F.L Ian Tyler Bryant.